Dear Seattle Tae Kwon Do families,
This year our Seattle Tae Kwon Do competition team will be attending the International Tae Kwon Do Championship tournament in Chicago July 30-August 1. We are very excited to be a part of this event and our Booster Club has been working hard in fund raising to help offset the costs of coaches travel expenses and competitor entry fees.
We have planned a silent auction to be held during the week of June 14th and commencing with black belt graduation on June 19th.
We need your help to procure items for our silent auction. Do you own a business? Are you able to donate a gift certificate or service? Do you own a vacation home or time share? Are you able to donate a weekend away? Do you know someone who does? Can you make a gift basket to donate? Anything you can do to help our kids is greatly appreciated.
Please email to for a donation form. Please fill it out and turn it in with your item. All items need to be turned in by June 4, 2010.
For more information, contact one of our board members. Jennifer Coop 425-485-9171, Brenda Bequette 425-775-4339 or Wendy Krumroy 425-774-8879.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Jennifer Coop
Booster Club Secretary